I’m doing an implementation with the API
from Google Drive, and in the code block:
credenciais = GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.AuthorizeAsync(
new[] { DriveService.Scope.Drive },
new FileDataStore(diretorioCredenciais, true)).Result;
That serves to obtain the credentials, there are the parameters: "user"
and CancellationToken.None
, would like to know.
What are they?
What are they for?
I’m looking for a way where I don’t need to confirm my user. The Parameter
is related to this? I couldn’t understand.– Renan Carlos
You want to create a credential, but you don’t want to provide a user?
– Maniero
O Contrario, I’m being redirected to the google page to confirm the email. What I want is to send the account email along with the request, to avoid having to confirm.
– Renan Carlos
That’s another problem right there.
– Maniero