On the site I am working on, the user has access to a text editor to change the Labels in certain photos. When editing the text and giving "Submit" in the responses, the texts do not update on the pages - The same happened with the images of the site, but a solution was found, placing a random number at the end of all of them, maintaining the uniqueness.
The following photos demonstrate what I mean:
The image above has a label (Military Police, Navigators).
Below, the user has the possibility to change both the image and the text displayed next to it:
Values are not updated. The same was true of the images, but as stated, a random identifier was "pasted" in her name to the server (Azure) not to confuse.
What could be going on? (I am using cshtml/aspnet with mvc5!)
I’ve looked at several alternatives (both in English and in Portuguese) - most of them report meta tags that include "no-cache", "no-store", among others, but none seem to work.
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