Error in String to Double conversion


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public void metodoX(Double valor) {

    DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
    String valorRound = df.format(valor);
    Double valorRound2 = Double.parseDouble(valorRound);


Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid double: "3,67"

Line with error:

Double valorRound2 = Double.parseDouble(valorRound);


The app is rodando perfeitamente no emulador API 23, but running in the celular API 23, causa esse erro.

Why only on the mobile gives the error ?

I’ve tried to:

Double valorRound2 = Double.valueOf(valorRound);
  • 2

    He’s expecting a figure with . for decimal separator, not comma. I don’t know why it produces this comma because apparently the decimal format should be with . ; one of the probable causes is that the emulator is with English locale and the Portuguese device

  • @Jeffersonquesado understood, it can be locale... you think with the bigdecimal, would solve ?

  • If you’re not in scientific applications, I don’t even know why to use double for starters. I would always use BigDecimal. You have a very interesting question on the subject,

  • @Jeffersonquesado So basically better use the BigDecimal for all cases that do not need to be floating (I believe 99% do not need more than 4 homes after the comma) !? Taking advantage, Bigdecimal already contains house limitation ?

  • 1

    Using Bigdecimal will not solve the NumberFormatException.

  • The accuracy is arbitrary. I work with 30 to guarantee me in the calculation of taxes (even the user informing at most 2 decimal places of value, 4 houses of what we have stored in the table of taxes and 4 houses in the discount of the sale of the product). I believe your case is one of arbitrary accuracy. This will not avoid formatting issues, as @ramaral pointed out.

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2 answers


Why only on the mobile gives the error ?

Gives error in one and not in the other because the decimal separator depends on the Locale defined in the device. In some cases it is ., in others is ,.

I assume that value is entered by the user, so you have to ensure that it is entered in the correct format.

One of the possible ways of doing this is to indicate android:inputType="numberDecimal" in the Edittext statement:


Edit after comment:

It is not in the input no, it is of a Seekbar with variation 0.01(...)

In that case do so:

DecimalFormat df = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance();

String valorRound = df.format(valor);
Double valorRound2 = Double.parseDouble(valorRound);
  • It is not in the input no, it is of a Seekbar with variation 0.01 ! But I did not know this, it is already another new ! Thanks !



You are having an exception for some reason, so in a situation where there may be exceptions, one should treat the exceptions with block try/catch.


Resulting in this way:

public void metodoX(Double valor) {

  try {
    DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
    String valorRound = df.format(new Double(valor));
    Double valorRound2 = Double.parseDouble(valorRound);
  } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    valor = 0; //valor padrão

However, the problem at issue is apparently with Locale and its differences in Doubles treatment between , and ., so I would recommend using a DecimalFormatSymbols to avoid comma problems, in this way:

Locale meuLocale = new Locale("pt", "BR");
DecimalFormatSymbols simbolos = new DecimalFormatSymbols(meuLocale);
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(valor, simbolos);

(according to the comment of @Jefferson Quesado, probably the locale is the cause of the working divergence, so applying this last block of code would solve.)

  • Review what is said in the first part of the answer because it makes no sense.

  • 1

    It would be okay to use Locale, but forcing the ptbr there would not be cool. I need to study how to pull, etc etc... so I find it easier to run to Bigdecimal and learn it better since I’ll practically use it in place of Double. But I appreciate the idea, always learning ! Thank you !

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