I would like to know how to perform an onChange in the two selects I have in my form follow the selects:
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="form-group ${status.error ? has-error : '' }">
<label for="listaContato" class="control-label"><spring:message
code="ca_tipo_contato" /></label> <label
class="listaContato control-label ${status.error ? has-error : ''}">
<form:errors path="tipoContato" element="label" />
<form:select path="tipoContato" id="listaContato"
data-placeholder="Contato" cssClass="form-control"
<form:option value=""></form:option>
<form:options items="${listaContato}"
itemLabel="tipoContato" itemValue="id" />
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="form-group ${status.error ? has-error : '' }">
<label for="listaDescricaoContato" class="control-label"><spring:message
code="ca_descricao_contato" /></label> <label
class="listaDescricaoContato control-label ${status.error ? has-error : ''}">
<form:errors path="tipoDescricaoContato" element="label" />
<form:select path="tipoDescricaoContato"
data-placeholder="Descrição Contato"
cssClass="form-control" cssStyle="width:100%;">
<form:option value=""></form:option>
<form:options items="${listaDescricaoContato}"
itemValue="id" />
Typodel depends on Typoconthate as it would to perform this onChange.
Wesley, explain the purpose of your code, that is, how this screen should behave. The way your question is it’s not to know what you want.
– Caique Romero
The best and simplest is putting an onchange on each one.
– Sam
just as @Fucking Pra said, all you have to do is add an attribute this way in each select:
where the function attached to the value of the attribute will perform at the moment the user changes the option of the select in question. So just declare a javascript function in your file . js and assign it to your select through this way.– Paulo Roberto Rosa