Well, I’m creating an upgrade system, and it’s giving error in one part
WebClient web = new WebClient();
string DownloadVersion = web.DownloadString("https://drive.google.com/uc?authuser=0&id=1bpVdsyUj3oOn1gLbcVRE7uZjIczI5Yc_&export=download");
string UltimaVersao = DownloadVersion.Split('\n')[0];
string VersaoDessePrograma = Application.ProductVersion;
if (Convert.ToDecimal(VersaoDessePrograma) < Convert.ToDecimal(UltimaVersao))
if (MessageBox.Show("Um novo update está disponivel!" + Environment.NewLine + "Você quer atualizar?", "Atualização", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes)
web.DownloadFile(DownloadVersion.Split('\n')[1], "Algoritmos 1.0.1.exe");
MessageBox.Show("O programa foi baixado!" + Environment.NewLine + "O aplicativo será fechado.", "Atualização", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Application.StartupPath + @"\Algoritmos 1.0.1.exe");
MessageBox.Show("O programa já está atualizado!", "Verificador", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
That mistake is as follows, when I put in line web.DownloadFile
in the filename part the following code: Algoritmos 1.0.1.exe
usually works. But when I use the last version variable: Algoritmos " + UltimaVersao + ".exe
, throws an error.
Go to image using code Algoritmos 1.0.1.exe
Go to image using code Algoritmos " + UltimaVersao + ".exe
Why does this mistake happen? How to fix it? Can you help me? Thank you!
Where Ultimaversion = "1.0.1"
– Lucas Bittencourt
Lucas sure Ultimaversao hasn’t been changed? Try using one
to make sure that the value of this variable does not have characters like line breaks, tabulations, nulls or other signs like:
– Guilherme Nascimento