How to instantiate a part of a class with Entityframework working with CRUD only on these data


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I am creating a solution for the web in the Singlepageaplication (SPA) type made with Aspnetcore and I use the Entity Framework to make my CRUD in the SQL Server database. I am sure that the Entity Framework allows me to update only what to change in a class so I intend to structure my frontend so that it only sends the attributes to the server that have changed, for example:

Pessoa.Cs (the class with all attributes)

internal class Pessoa 
    public string primeiroNome { get; set; }
    public string segundoNome { get; set; }
    public int idade { get; set; }
    public string cpf { get; set; }
    // ... mais outros inúmeros campos

This class is used in mine controller to receive the CRUD coming from the frontend being:


Personal controler.Cs (part of the control that receives ajax as an example)

internal class PessoaController 

    internal IActionResult Update([FromBody] Pessoa pessoa)
       // ... todo o tratamento que preciso para salvar no EF 


Ajax request that is made from my frontend for the update (thinking of a simple call using jQuery as example)

    // exemplo de atualização só do nome da pessoa
    var pessoa = { nome: 'teste 123' };
        method: 'put',
        url: '/',
        data: JSON.stringify(pessoa)
        success: function(res){ console.log('success', res); },
        error: function(res){ console.log('error', res); }

My question is the following: how can I "configure" the Entityframework so that it always receives a class and, if the attribute is null it does not update it in the database? Is there any way to set this up?

Note: the intention of this is to reduce the load of data traffic between the frontend and the backend, so I could save resources on both sides.

  • Needs to be a solution using only EF?

  • my work is on the front-end and I am obliged to integrate the back-end library (the solution has desktop and web modules)...

1 answer


Leandroluk, I recommend that to improve the integrity of your code use some practices:

1 - Set database column to 'not null';

2 - Use Annotation '[Required]' in the attributes of your class; Example:

internal class Pessoa 
    public string primeiroNome { get; set; }
    public string segundoNome { get; set; }
    public int idade { get; set; }
    public string cpf { get; set; }
    // ... mais outros inúmeros campos

3 - In your controller, when receiving the object of type 'Person', validate whether its state is valid as follows:

internal class PessoaController 
    private DbContext db;

    internal IActionResult Update([FromBody] Pessoa pessoa)
       if (ModelState.IsValid)
          //aqui você escreve o código para atualizar

          return Ok();
          return BadRequest(ex.Message);

  • My idea is exactly the opposite, is I don’t need to create multiple classes that are the same thing, ex Pessoa { login, senha } (would be for user or Pessoa {nome, sobrenome, id} (would be for simple listing) or Pessoa { ...todos os campos... } would be for detailed listing. What I want to do is something like the interfaces that exist in Typescript, which has "optional" fields".

  • 1

    So, but according to good software architecture practices, you can’t get out of that way much. I suggest that for each entity, you have a DTO (Data Transfer Object) with exactly the minimum data you need. You do not need to create MULTIPLE. Only 2. For each Domain Entity and a DTO. Example: Domain Entity - Person with all attributes; DTO - Person with only attributes you want to return/transfer between one layer and another; (Model-View/View-Model).

  • I understand. so unfortunately there is no way to simplify structures with c#... I guess then I’ll have to change the [FromBody] aspnetcore standard for it to accept receiving generic objects (which by default is blocked) and from then on make the necessary treatments...

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