I have a webservice that was made in ASP.NET in Visualstudio 2013, I am running it locally (localhost), and I am not being able to access it in the android emulator of Android Studio, nor on my physical device (USB debugging).
I tried using IP for the standard Android Studio emulator, and for the Genymotion emulator, but I get an exception from java.io.Filenotfoundexception.
Could someone help me with this question?
can you put Androidstudio Log? If you try to access URL in the browser? Your app has internet access permission?
– Thiago Luiz Domacoski
Hello Thiago, yes, he has normal permission. I already had this problem in Xamarin, used the emulator of visual studio, and configured it manually, configured the genymotion, and nothing else..
– felipedrt