How to search for something in 100% of Mysql database


Viewed 728 times


There is a Mysql query where I can search all the data of all tables in a database at one time?

Equivalent to something like this:

"SELECT todos_os_campos FROM todas_as_tabelas WHERE qualquer_campo = 'isso'"
  • Is in INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS all columns of all tables [ ] now which one is the data I do not know about.

  • Explain to me better your need, I already made a script to see if there was a data in any column of any table of the bank, where I returned where I found such record, if that is I can help you

  • @arllondias Example, I have a bank, and I need to go through all the records of that in database in search of every time a record has the value = 'valorX' and return the line with the value.

  • @Everson I believe it’s right around the corner, but I couldn’t locate how to do it, so I asked the question kk

  • 1

    Okay, I’ll write the script right away.

  • I won’t answer at the moment because I’d have to do tests, but I’ll tell you right away that UNION would not be something easy to work with, especially if the tables are totally different, if they are similar/equal until it works well, and even if there was a functional solution still specifies yes I believe that the solution probably (and relatively) more performatica would be to query by query and group this data later via PHP, picking only what is interesting. I can’t say anything precisely, because it would usually depend on creating tests, which I can’t do at the moment.

  • some alternatives in(English)

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2 answers


In this Procedure it searches in all fields that are not numerical given content, first parameter you pass what you want to search and second the name of the database, it will return all found results. in separate queries, because there is no way to give a UNION ALL because the tables do not have the same number of columns. Follow the Code:

DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS sp_search_data;        


CREATE PROCEDURE sp_search_data(p_conteudo TEXT,                                                                        
                                p_nome_banco TEXT)

    DECLARE v_nome_tabela TEXT;
    DECLARE v_nome_coluna TEXT;
    DECLARE v_possui_registro INT;
    DECLARE cur_tabelas CURSOR FOR SELECT  TABLE_NAME,                                                                              
                                    FROM information_schema.`COLUMNS`                                                                           
                                   WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = p_nome_banco
                                     AND NUMERIC_PRECISION IS NULL;


    OPEN cur_tabelas;


        IF NOT v_fim THEN
        FETCH cur_tabelas INTO v_nome_tabela, v_nome_coluna;

        SET @v_possui_registro = 0;
        SET @v_select = CONCAT('SELECT COUNT(*) INTO @v_possui_registro
                                  FROM ',v_nome_tabela,'
                                 WHERE ', v_nome_coluna,' = "',p_conteudo,'"');

        PREPARE stmt_select FROM @v_select;
        EXECUTE stmt_select;
        DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt_select;

        IF @v_possui_registro > 0 THEN

            SET @v_resultado = CONCAT('SELECT *
                                         FROM ',v_nome_tabela,'
                                        WHERE ', v_nome_coluna,' = "',p_conteudo,'"');
            PREPARE stmt_resultado FROM @v_resultado;
            EXECUTE stmt_resultado;
            DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt_resultado;
        END IF;

    END IF;
   CLOSE cur_tabelas;


-- CALL sp_search_data('TESTE', 'banco_teste');

Remembering that in this process can be made several implementations, as print the name of the table and column that was found the record, print the query that was made among other interesting things, is there as initial idea this structure.

  • I’ll test in a little while, I’ll accept if it works!


Well, native man SQL does not possess this feature, but if you want to make a SELECT in all tables in a query you can only use the UNION to bring the records in a single query.

SELECT * FROM Tabela_1 WHERE condicao = 1
SELECT * FROM Tabela_2 WHERE condicao = 2
SELECT * FROM Tabela_3 WHERE condicao = 3
SELECT * FROM Tabela_4 WHERE condicao = 4
// assim por diante com todas as tabelas

I know that way it can be unviable if you have 10,000 tables, but I give you this option as long as it is feasible for you to do so.

  • 2

    X tables * Y columns = Z comparisons, I find not even a little feasible. So, it is no longer easy to create a function/procedure that generates it automatically so as not to do it by hand?

  • The process could be automated with a script that makes a "SELECT * FROM tabela_x" and goes through all tables.

  • Although it works, it is impractical this, as it will be a mechanism to scan a mutable DB.

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