I can’t email my Webapi


Viewed 47 times


I’m trying to create a function in my Webapi where I return information based on the email address I send, the problem is that the character "." breaks the route.

In case I did my action like this:

public IQueryable<Usuarios> GetUsuarioPorEmail(string email)

I tried to call it all these ways and none of it worked, http://localhost:11111/api/Usuarios/Getususporemail/teste@teste.com http://localhost:11111/api/Usuarios/Getususporemail/? test@teste.com http://localhost:11111/api/Usuarios/Getususporemail/=teste@teste.com http://localhost:11111/api/Usuarios/Getususporemail/email=teste@teste.com http://localhost:11111/api/Usuarios/Getususporemail/? email=teste@teste.com

But if I call it that, it works

Only there is no e-mail score.

2 answers


To avoid this scenario, include a bar at the end of the route. This implementation will delimit the parameter email between the two bars and will not consider it as part of the.

public IQueryable<Usuarios> GetUsuarioPorEmail(string email)


Do so:

public IQueryable<Usuarios> GetUsuarioPorEmail(string email)

and call in to test so:


result if you were to print the email:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

that is, a parameter get, of course after this receipt, an email validation is required to not have problems with invalid data.

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