Fatal Error related to the page.php theme


Viewed 27 times


My website presents the following error:

Fatal error: Call to Undefined Function sanzo_get_page_options() in /home/julisaupiscinasc/public_html/wp-content/themes/Sanzo/page.php on line 3

The code referred to in the message is as follows::

global $sanzo_theme_options;
$page_options = sanzo_get_page_options();
get_header( $sanzo_theme_options['ts_header_layout'] );

$extra_class = "";

I have reinstalled the components of the theme and continues the error. Someone has gone through something similar and can help me?

  • Is wordpress? the error says that the function does not exist.

  • Yes it is wordpress. You’ve been through something similar or have idea of what may have caused?

1 answer


Answering your question, the error is that there is no function: sanzo_get_page_options() that is being called into the archive: /home/julisaupiscinasc/public_html/wp-content/themes/sanzo/page.php on the line 3

You will have to see what this function does, and create it or find it on the internet, according to your template.

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