I developed a program that stores a list of ids, so
But for the desired purpose, the data should take the sequential form, so that the first pair of ids is something like: "889926212541448192" becomes 1 and "889919950248448000" becomes 2. That is, the file to be obtained should be something like:
Where the first id connects with 2,3 and 6, and the id 4 only with the 5, forming a network.
I have no experience in this area, but I can’t find a way to do this reading.
I tried to make some programs, but they read only row and not column id to id. This data is saved by following the following program
import json
Arq = open('ids.csv','w') Arq.write('Source'+','+'Target') Arq.write(" n")
list network = [] #list to store all ids
with open('dados_twitter.json', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
lista = []
tweet = json.loads(line) # reescreve como um dicionário Python
lista = list(tweet.keys()) #escreve lista das chaves
if 'retweeted_status' in lista:
id_rt = json.dumps(tweet['retweeted_status']['id_str'])
id_status = json.dumps(tweet['id_str'])
arq.write( id_status +','+ id_rt )
if tweet['quoted_status'] in lista :
id_rt = json.dumps(tweet['quoted_status']['id_str'])
id_status = json.dumps(tweet['id_str'])
arq.write( id_status +','+ id_rt )
As a result I have a file with the ids data in pairs of interactions
How can I rearrange this data in reading, or even writing it?? In python or in another language?
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– Woss