How to change the window.Location of a frame


Viewed 468 times


I was wondering if it is possible to insert a target here:


I don’t want to open on a new page, otherwise I would use I want to use a target="topFrame" to control a player.

I’m using an old thing (Frameset). I’m using this in the link <a href="system/radio/on.php" target="topFrame">.

  • 1

    If you’re wearing a Frame, have tried using the attribute src of the same? You can also manipulate the Frame using the API:

  • 2

    You can change the location of Frame (if it is of the same domain) using the DOM object of Frame. If you don’t have to use the attribute src his.

  • 1

    Thank you, for what you said here I searched on top of some tips of yours and found

  • @Wakim Don’t want to post an answer explaining this better? For me is the correct answer.

1 answer


Well, here’s the solution I found.

How I was using

<a href="system/radio/on.php" target="topFrame"> <div class="icone_som_um"> </a>

How I’m using it now

function tocar() {
    top.frames['topFrame'].location.href = 'system/radio/on.php';

I’m triggering the function on js like this

<div class="icone_som_um" onClick="tocar()">
  • 2

    I know how you are using this Frameset, many web radios use, this topic will be very useful.

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