I have a SELL table and a VENDA_ITEM, the link between them is made via a Foreign Key that cascades and the update cascades.
Well, in the VENDA_ITEM table there is a Trigger that runs before delete that prevents the item from being deleted if it already has delivery, this happens with a RAISE EXCEPTION.
Trigger works well, when trying to delete from VENDA_ITEM with Trigger enabled the database does not delete the item, however when trying to delete the sale the database deletes the header but leaves the items, thus violating the idea of Foreign key, that is, I have items without header.
The structure:
create table venda (
ven_codigo integer not null,
emp_codigo integer not null,
usu_codigo integer not null,
ven_tipo integer default 0 not null,
vds_codigo integer not null,
ven_data date default current_date not null,
ven_hora time default current_time not null,
cli_codigo integer not null,
fcb_codigo integer not null,
cpg_codigo integer not null,
ven_observacao text,
ven_finalizado integer default 0,
ven_cancelado integer default 0,
ven_usu_cancel integer,
nf_numero integer,
nf_serie integer,
ven_pdv integer default 0 not null,
ven_codigo_pdv integer default 0 not null,
ven_exportadopdv integer default 0 not null,
cliaut_codigo integer,
constraint pk_venda primary key (ven_codigo, emp_codigo),
constraint fk_venda_empresa foreign key (emp_codigo) references empresa(emp_codigo) on update no action on delete restrict,
constraint fk_venda_usuario foreign key (usu_codigo) references usuario(usu_codigo) on update no action on delete restrict,
constraint fk_venda_vendedor foreign key (vds_codigo) references vendedor(vds_codigo) on update no action on delete restrict,
constraint fk_venda_cliente foreign key (cli_codigo) references cliente(cli_codigo) on update no action on delete restrict,
constraint fk_venda_forma_cobranca foreign key (fcb_codigo) references forma_cobranca (fcb_codigo) on update no action on delete restrict,
constraint fk_venda_condicao_pagamento foreign key (cpg_codigo) references condicao_pagamento (cpg_codigo) on update no action on delete restrict,
constraint fk_venda_cliente_autorizado foreign key (cliaut_codigo) references cliente_autorizado (cliaut_codigo) on update no action on delete restrict
create or replace function sptg_venda_after() returns trigger as $$
declare _sist_sistema integer;
declare _cnf_gerar_carga_web integer;
if (new.ven_finalizado = 1 or new.ven_cancelado = 1) then
if (exists(select vi_codigo from venda_itens where ven_codigo = new.ven_codigo limit 1)) then
select sist_sistema from sistema limit 1 into _sist_sistema;
select cnf_gerar_carga_web from configuracao limit 1 into _cnf_gerar_carga_web;
if (_sist_sistema = 1 and _cnf_gerar_carga_web = 1) then
insert into carga_web(cargaweb_id, cargaweb_datahora, cargaweb_tabela, cargaweb_codigo, cargaweb_processado)
values(gen_id(gera_id_carga_web,1), current_timestamp, 'VENDA', new.ven_codigo, 0);
end if;
end if;
end if;
return new;
$$ language 'plpgsql';
create trigger tg_venda_after after insert or update on venda
for each row execute procedure sptg_venda_after();
create table venda_itens (
vi_codigo integer not null,
ven_codigo integer not null,
emp_codigo integer not null,
pro_codigo integer not null,
vi_qtde numeric(18,6) default 0 not null,
vi_valor_vista numeric(18,6) default 0 not null,
vi_vlr_com_juros numeric(18,6) default 0 not null,
vi_valor_venda numeric(18,6) default 0 not null,
vi_comissao numeric(18,6) default 0 not null,
uni_venda integer not null,
uni_compra integer not null,
vi_valor_compra numeric(18,6) default 0 not null,
vi_conversao_und numeric(18,6) default 0 not null,
pgr_codigo integer,
vi_qtde_entregue numeric(18,6) default 0 not null,
vi_qtde_devolvida numeric(18,6) default 0 not null,
vi_qtde_a_entregar numeric(18,6) default 0 not null,
vi_descricao_produto varchar(80) default '' not null,
constraint pk_venda_itens primary key(vi_codigo),
constraint fk_venda_itens_venda foreign key (ven_codigo, emp_codigo) references venda (ven_codigo, emp_codigo) on update cascade on delete cascade,
constraint fk_venda_itens_produto foreign key (pro_codigo) references produto (pro_codigo) on update cascade on delete restrict,
constraint fk_venda_itens_unidade_venda foreign key (uni_venda) references unidade (uni_codigo) on update cascade on delete restrict,
constraint fk_venda_itens_unidade_compra foreign key (uni_compra) references unidade (uni_codigo) on update cascade on delete restrict,
constraint fk_venda_itens_unidade_produto_grade foreign key (pgr_codigo) references produto_grade (pgr_codigo) on update cascade on delete restrict
create or replace function sptg_venda_itens_before() returns trigger as $$
declare _ven_cancelado integer; declare _ven_pdv integer;
declare _forma_comissao integer; declare _vds_codigo integer;
if (TG_OP = 'DELETE') then
select ven_cancelado, ven_pdv from venda where ven_codigo = old.ven_codigo and emp_codigo = old.emp_codigo into _ven_cancelado, _ven_pdv;
if (_ven_cancelado <> 1 and _ven_pdv = 0 and old.vi_qtde_entregue > 0) then
raise exception 'nao e possivel excluir um item com entregas';
end if;
end if;
if (TG_OP = 'INSERT' or TG_OP = 'UPDATE') then
select uni_venda, uni_compra, pro_compra, pro_conversao, pro_comissao from produto where pro_codigo = new.pro_codigo
into new.uni_venda, new.uni_compra, new.vi_valor_compra, new.vi_conversao_und, new.vi_comissao;
select vds_codigo from venda where ven_codigo = new.ven_codigo and emp_codigo = new.emp_codigo into _vds_codigo;
select cnf_forma_calc_comissao from configuracao limit 1 into _forma_comissao;
if (_forma_comissao = 0) then
select cnf_aliq_comissao from configuracao limit 1 into new.vi_comissao;
if (_forma_comissao = 1) then
select vds_comissao from vendedor where vds_codigo = _vds_codigo into new.vi_comissao;
end if;
end if;
new.vi_qtde_a_entregar = new.vi_qtde - new.vi_qtde_entregue;
if (TG_OP = 'UPDATE' and new.vi_qtde < new.vi_qtde_a_entregar) then
raise exception 'a quantidade deve ser maior ou igual a quantidade entregue somada a quantidade devolvida';
end if;
end if;
return new;
$$ language 'plpgsql';
create trigger tg_venda_itens_before before insert or update or delete on venda_itens
for each row execute procedure sptg_venda_itens_before();
The section of Trigger that is preventing (correctly) the exclusion is the raise Exception 'it is not possible to delete an item with deliveries';
I am currently implementing my system in Postgresql, currently it runs in Firebird and the final idea of the project is to run in both banks (one or the other and not in parallel).
PS: I’m using version 10.1 of Postgresql in Windows 10 x64 Home
Att, Marcos
Feel free to do, you are experts in what you do, I do not have enough knowledge to argue/debate about this, the "discovery" was accidental.
– Marcos Spirito