It depends. You want to hide it from a curious person and if you’re discovered it’s okay? Then it’s okay.
Do you want security anyway? Information can’t be discovered? So it doesn’t tickle. This is remarkably easy to obtain if you know how to do it. You don’t even need to understand math or spend time finding a logic in it. It’s more work to "protect" than to unprotect.
Security is a difficult thing and usually only done right by experts, which is rare to find and even these make mistakes. Of course there are some rules that can be followed for the basics and this means delegating almost everything to something proven and giving little or no physical access to the information you want to protect.
Check this out:
– Victor Stafusa
Did the answer resolve what was in doubt? Do you need something else to be improved? Do you think it is possible to accept it now?
– Maniero