Separating using + signal while reading user data


Viewed 36 times


Excuse me for the basic question. I just don’t understand when we have to use the + in the Input. Follow the example of a command below. Why does my code not work when I put the str(i) between commas??

i = 1
textos = []
texto = input("Digite o texto " + str(i) +" (aperte enter para sair):")

2 answers


You can use the formatting operator %, for example:

i = 1
textos = []
texto = input("Digite o texto %d (aperte enter para sair):" % (i) )

Or else you can use the method format(), for example:

i = 1
textos = []
texto = input("Digite o texto {} (aperte enter para sair):".format(i))
  • Interesting Lacobus - In case the (i) would be any variable? For example: text = input("Type text %d (press enter to exit):" % (5) ) would be Type ??


Your code does not work with commas because, by commas, you are implicitly creating a tuple (a data structure). In your case, the function input takes a string per parameter, not a tuple. Just in case, always use the sign + for concatenation, or, a function called format. Here is an example:

mensagem = 'Digite o texto {} (aperte enter para sair):'.format(i)
texto = input(mensagem)

where the {} will be replaced by the value passed by parameter in the method format (in that case the variable i).

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