Open Access Report with Criterion


Viewed 93 times


I’m a beginner in C# and I’m opening a report on Access, but this report has criteria, that is, it depends on a numbering to open.

This numbering I have in a textbox and my doubt is how to pass the value of this textbox straight to the report of Access when it is opened.

Follow the code I use to open the report:

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Application accessApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Application();         accessApp.OpenCurrentDatabase(@"E:\Desenvolvimento\C#\ReciboFácil\ReciboFácil\bin\Debug\ReciboFacil.mdb");

1 answer


I managed to fix it. I changed the code as follows: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Application accessApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Application(); accessApp.OpenCurrentDatabase(@"E:\Desenvolvimento\C#\ReciboFácil\ReciboFácil\bin\Debug\ReciboFacil.mdb"); accessApp.DoCmd.OpenReport("ReciboServiço", AcView.acViewNormal,"", "[codrecibo]=" + codrecibo); accessApp.CloseCurrentDatabase(); accessApp.DoCmd.Quit();

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