Explaining the Context
In the internet found an example of a scheme described in this way:
account(num-conta, descr-conta, launching(num-lanc, tipolanc, data-lanc, valor-lanc)).
Notice that the way this scheme is, it is not normalized.
Now consider the following criteria:
To account and launching are occurrence groups of attributes in parentheses and juxtaposed to them;
Underlined attributes are identifiers of the relation to which they belong;
is dependent onnum-conta
, that is, in addition tonum-lanc
, it is necessarynum-conta
to identify a specific launch;Not it is necessary to store history, that is, the emergence of a pair in an account and a-lanc equal to one already registered, replaces the record.
Visto os critérios, agora devemos normalizar o esquema até a 3FN.
A possible alternative
account(num-conta, descr-conta) and launching(account, num-lanc, data-lanc, value-lanc).
Would be the above normalized example up to 3FN?