When to use the OVER clause?


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To Documentation says :

Determines partitioning and sorting of the row set before application of the associated window function.

An example I created just to demonstrate this:

select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY cor order by carro  ) from carro

This example would return a ROW_NUMBER counting until changing the condition of the column and restarting . In a table of 7 records with 2 records with the color yellow and 5 with the color blue Row_Number would go from 1 to 2 and reboot and would go from 1 to 5 again.

However for some aggregation functions, no partitioning is required to use this condition, for example this select found here:

FROM    mytable

But for clauses with partition of values the order by is required, but the partition is not, it depends on the function it is calling, so:

  • When should I use the clause OVER?
  • The Group By at the end of a select works the same way(in cases of partition)?
  • When I can use over functions without an order by, there are specific functions that allow this?

There is a question in SOEN but I found very generic the answer so I continue with some doubts.

Other references:


  • The answer is in the question itself: window function. See article "Window functions (functions window)", in the SQL Port: https://portosql.wordpress.com/2018/10/14/funcoes-de-janela-window-functions/

  • 1

    @Josédiz will see, today I already have a better knowledge and I know how to use better so the explanation will make more sense

1 answer


The function OVER from what I understand it determines the partitioning and ordering of a set of N lines before application of the associated window function. Defining a window or set of user-specified lines in query results. In a way that, with a value for each line in the window.

You can use the clause OVER with functions to compute aggregated values such as moving averages, cumulative aggregations, accumulated sums or first N results per group.

Example of syntax:

-For Aggregation Functions(SUM - COUNT - AVG - etc)

    OVER(Partition by Campo)

-For Classification Functions(RANK - NTILE - DENSE_RANK - ROW_NUMBER)

    OVER(Partition by Campo Order by Campo)

Now let’s use it inside a SELECT, let’s demonstrate solution without OVER x with OVER

Solution WITH OVER, note that the clause Partition By works as if it were a GROUP BY. Creating groups, which we call windows. Making the query simpler.

SELECT Nome, Data,count(*) over(partition by Nome) TotalAcessos FROM Acesso

Solution otherwise you want to use OVER

SELECT  A.Nome, A.Data, TabGroup.TotalAcessos
FROM  Acesso A
    SELECT  Nome, COUNT(*) TotalAcessos
    FROM  Acesso
    GROUP BY  Nome
) TabGroup ON  A.Nome=TabGroup.Nome

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