PHP Web Service with INNER JOIN


Viewed 124 times


I am creating API for consumption in Ionic applications, but I’ve been working for 2 weeks on one of these api’s, where I link data in more than one table with Inner Join. I tried to do as in my php system, where I add the items in the bank, could someone help me complete this api?

<?php header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *"); header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); 

$db = new mysqli("", "nome", "senha", "nome");

$sql = $db->query("SELECT refeicao.nome, FROM refeicao_refeicao AS refeicao
            INNER JOIN refeicao_alimento AS opcao
            INNER JOIN alimentos_refeicao AS cardapio
            WHERE cardapio.id_refeicao =
            AND cardapio.id_alimentos =
            GROUP BY");

        $saida = '{"refeicao":';
            $saida .= "[";

            while($r = $sql->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
                if($saida != "["){$saida = ", ";}
                $saida.= '{"nome":"'.$r[0].'",';
                $saida.= '"id_refeicao":"'.$r[1].'"}';
                //$saida.= '"senha":"'.$r["senha"].'"}';

                $id_refeicao = $r[1];

                $sql2 = $db->query ("SELECT refeicao_alimento.nome
                    FROM refeicao_alimento 
                    INNER JOIN refeicao_refeicao
                    INNER JOIN alimentos_refeicao
                    WHERE alimentos_refeicao.id_alimentos =
                    AND alimentos_refeicao.id_refeicao = $id_refeicao
                    GROUP BY");

                while($sr = $sql->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
                        if($saida != "["){$saida = ", ";}
                        $saida.= '{"nome":"'.$r["nome"].'"}';


        $saida .= "}"; echo json_encode($saida); ?>

I would need him to print a json of this api, something like this for 7 different meals:

{almoco: [
    {"Opção 1": "Até 5 colheres de sopa de arroz integral ou qualquer outro carboidrato + proteína (Carne, ovos, peixe, frutos do mar, frango, o tanto que quiser até saciar"},
    {"Opção 2": "Proteína (Carne, ovos, peixe, frutos do mar, frango, o tanto que quiser até saciar + couve flor gratinada (ver receita) + arroz integral + salada verde à vontade." },
    {"Opção 3": "Três colheres de sopa de purê de batata doce ou de abóbora (80 gramas) com filé de peixe ou qualquer outra proteína (Carne, ovos, peixe, frutos  do mar, frango, o tanto que quiser até saciar) + até 4 colheres de sopa de legumes cozidos + salada verde à vontade."},    
    {"Opção 4": "Um pedaço de 150g de torta funcional de frango (ver receita ) + salada verdade à vontade."},
    {"Opção 5": "Arroz integral + proteína (Carne, ovos, peixe, frutos do mar, frango, o tanto que quiser até saciar) + até 1 concha rasa de feijão + salada verde à vontade. Usar esta opção somente uma vez na semana."},    
    {"Opção 6": "Strogonoff fit de carne ou frango (ver receita) + até 5 colheres de arroz integral + salada verde à vontade."},
    {"Opção 7": "Suflê de frango (ver receita) + purê de batata doce ou abóbora + salada à vontade."},
    {"Importante": "É obrigatório o carboidrato no almoço. E aqui são opções de como usar as proteínas e carboidratos, mas podem utilizar de outra forma se quiserem."}


And for the user:


List of Options:

A functional piece of bread (see recipe) + scrambled eggs + a slice of cheese + tea on sachet or coffee with sweetener.

Crepioca (see recipe) filled with light curd and oregano + tea in sachet or coffee with sweetener.

Frying Cheese Bread (see recipe) + tea on sachet or coffee with sweetener.

Up to 5 brown rice crackers + whole eggs (as much as you need) + a slice of cheese + tea on sachet or coffee with sweetener.

Sweet potato roll (see recipe) + tea on sachet or coffee with sweetener.

A piece of carrot cake (see recipe+ tea on sachet or coffee with sweetener.

A piece of banana cake (see recipe) + tea on sachet or coffee with sweetener.

Oatmeal with banana and cocoa.

Eggs (as much as you need) + a fruit + 2 tablespoons oatmeal.

Banana or coconut pancake (see recipe) with peanut butter + tea in sachet or coffee with sweetener.


List of Options:

Up to 5 tablespoons of brown rice or any other carbohydrate + protein (meat, eggs, fish, seafood, chicken, as much as you want until you satiate) + green salad at will.

Protein (meat, eggs, fish, seafood, chicken, up to 200g) + cauliflower gratin (see recipe) + brown rice + green salad at will.

3 tablespoons of mashed sweet potato or pumpkin (80 grams) with a protein (meat, eggs, fish, seafood, chicken, up to 200g) + up to 4 tablespoons of cooked vegetables + green salad at will.

1 piece of functional chicken pie (see recipe ) + free truth salad.

Brown rice + protein (Meat, eggs, fish, seafood, chicken, as much as you want until you satiate)+ up to 1 shallow shell of beans + green salad at will.

Strogonoff fit of meat or chicken (see recipe) + up to 5 tablespoons of brown rice + green salad at will.

Chicken souffle (see recipe) + sweet potato or pumpkin puree + salad at will.

  • You create nicknames for tables that don’t even have equal field names, you stop setting a variable for your vector to go through with while, you don’t set the fields you will go through, and you create JOIN with table nicknames by calling fields that are not in Select, I mean, it will stay for years and it won’t work, I will post an answer but I didn’t understand reading your code several times what fields you want to give select, if you spoke the fields and what tables they are referring would be great. And another, you run a while and define a variable $r and instead of putting table name puts numbers

2 answers


query("SELECT * FROM refeicao_refeicao
            INNER JOIN refeicao_alimento ON refeicao_refeicao
            INNER JOIN alimentos_refeicao ON refeicao_refeicao
            WHERE cardapio.id_refeicao =
            AND cardapio.id_alimentos =
            GROUP BY");

Try this way, if you can’t try to list the id in the table that is giving select for example:

query("SELECT * FROM refeicao_refeicao
                INNER JOIN refeicao_alimento ON refeicao_refeicao.refeicao_alimento_id=refeicao_alimento.refeicao_alimento_id
                INNER JOIN alimentos_refeicao ON refeicao_refeicao.alimentos_refeicao_id=alimentos_refeicao.alimentos_refeicao_id
                WHERE cardapio.id_refeicao =
                AND cardapio.id_alimentos =
                GROUP BY");

So it will connect as a foreign key so it will be necessary to create the id of the other tables inserted with the Inner Join.

I hope I helped, anything send a feed back the result :D


I don’t quite understand you JOIN but I’ll post your code with a few things fixed, and if it doesn’t work comment on what’s going on

First error: Right at the beginning you create a query in the variable you are making select, this is wrong, you should first select then set the query.

Second Mistake: Committed is to set aliases for fields / tables that have no identical name.

Third error: your While defines mysqli_fetch_array and you arrow as parameter MYSQLI_ASSOC, therefore but one error found. Conflicting ARRAY with ASSOC

Fourth Mistake: Your While is going through tables but you indicate to While that the variable $r will go through number instead of table indicating $r[0] e $r[1] while should inform the name of an existing table in the database.


$resultado = $db->query($sql);

$valores = array();


    while($row = $sql->fetch_assoc(MYSQLI_ASSOC)){

        $valores['nome'] = $row['nome'];
        $valores['id_refeicao'] = $row['id_refeicao'];
        $valores['senha'] = $row['senha'];

        array_push($valores, $novo);

} else {
    return json_encode(array( 'error' => mysqli_error($conn) ));        
    return json_encode($valores);

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