How to Block a button


Viewed 536 times


I have a system where you have registered matches and the logged in user tries to match the results of these matches. Each match has a id registration that is with the name (game) in the database.

My question is: how do I get the user to only bet once in this game? Example: the user bets on match 1 there soon after he can no longer bet on it again. Each bet has a button bet. I wanted to prevent this button from being clicked if the user has already bet or a script appears that says the user has already bet on this match. Follow the betting code:

bet php.:


   echo"<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>alert('Aréa Restrita.');

$saldo="SELECT * FROM tb_usuario WHERE email= '$email'";
$exe= mysqli_query($conexao, $saldo);
$linha = mysqli_fetch_array($exe);

$btnApostar = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'btnApostar', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
   include_once ("../conn/conexao.php");
   $dados = filter_input_array(INPUT_POST, FILTER_DEFAULT);

   $aposta = "INSERT INTO tb_aposta(apostacasa, apostafora, valor, data, usuario, jogo)VALUES(
   $r_aposta = mysqli_query($conexao, $aposta) or die (mysqli_error($conexao));
   $verificacao = "SELECT * FROM  tb_jogos WHERE jogo=".$dados['jogo'];
   $exe= mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($conexao, $verificacao));
   // var_dump($exe);
   if (($valor) > ($saldo)){
      alert('Voce nao possui saldo para realizar a aposta.')
      window.location = 'apostar.php';

      if(($dados['apostacasa'] == $exe['placarcasa']) && ($dados['apostafora'] == $exe['placarfora'])){

         $up = mysqli_query($conexao,"UPDATE tb_usuario SET saldo=saldo+'$valor' WHERE email = '$email' ")or die (mysqli_error($conexao));

         echo "<script> alert('Voce acertou, parabéns')


      }else{ //se estiver errado irá diminuir o valor apostado

         $up = mysqli_query($conexao,"UPDATE tb_usuario SET saldo=saldo-'$valor' WHERE email = '$email' ")or die (mysqli_error($conexao));

         echo "<script> alert('Voce errou, tente novamente')



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<nav class="navbar navbar-inverse">
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      <!-- Aqui e como ira aparece em um telefone -->
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         <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#bs-example-navbar-collapse-1" aria-expanded="false">
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//ORDER BY serve para organizar os dados de acordo com o que voce quiser
$buscar="SELECT * FROM tb_jogos ORDER BY jogo DESC";
$exe= mysqli_query($conexao, $buscar) or die ("OCORREU UM ERRO AO MOSTRAR OS DADOS");
//começo da tabela
echo "<br><br><div class='container'>
<table class='table table-inverse'>
<tr bgcolor='#222222' align='center'>
<th><font color='white'>Codigo Partida</font></th>
<th><font color='white'>Time Casa</font></th>
<th><font color='white'>Placar</font></th>
<th><font color='white'>Time Fora</font></th>
<th><font color='white'>Placar</font></th>
<th><font color='white'>Lance</font></th>
<th><font color='white'></font></th>

while($linha = mysqli_fetch_array($exe)){
   echo "<form class='form-group' action='' method='post'>
   <input class='form-control' type='hidden' name='data' id='id_01' readonly>
   <tr bgcolor='#222222'>
   <td><font color='white'><input type='int' class='form-control' name='jogo' maxlength='1' value=".$linha['jogo']." style='text-align: center;' readonly='readonly'></font></td>
   <td><font color='white'>".$linha['casa']."</font></td>
   <td><input type='int' class='form-control' name='apostacasa' maxlength='1' value='' style='text-align: center;'></td>
   <td><font color='white'>".$linha['fora']."</font></td>
   <td><input type='int' class='form-control' name='apostafora' maxlength='1' value='' style='text-align: center;'></td>
   <td><input type='int' class='form-control' name='valor' maxlength='5' value='' style='text-align: center;'></td>
   <td><input class='btn btn-success submit-botao' type='submit' value='Apostar' name='btnApostar'></td>

<script> // script da data atual...
var today = new Date();
var dy = today.getDate();
var mt = today.getMonth()+1;
var yr = today.getFullYear();
document.getElementById('id_01').value= yr+"-"+mt+"-"+dy;

<script src=''></script>
<script src='//'></script>


3 answers


You need to search in the bank the games that the user has already bet and treat this when building the tables.

My suggestion is to change the query line below:

$buscar="SELECT * FROM tb_jogos ORDER BY jogo DESC";


$buscar="SELECT *, a.jogo as id_jogo FROM tb_jogos a LEFT JOIN tb_aposta b ON (a.jogo = b.jogo) GROUP BY id_jogo ORDER BY id_jogo DESC";

In the while, add lines right at the start:

$desativa_btn = "type='submit'";
if($linha['usuario'] == $_SESSION['email']){
   $desativa_btn = "disabled='disabled' type='button'";

and on the button line, add $desativa_btn:

<td><input ".$desativa_btn." class='btn btn-success submit-botao' value='Apostar' name='btnApostar'></td>

The while will look like this:

while($linha = mysql_fetch_array($exe)){
   $desativa_btn = "type='submit'";
   if($linha['usuario'] == $_SESSION['email']){
      $desativa_btn = "disabled='disabled' type='button'";

   echo "<form class='form-group' action='' method='post'>
   <input class='form-control' type='hidden' name='data' id='id_01' readonly>
   <tr bgcolor='#222222'>
   <td><font color='white'><input type='int' class='form-control' name='jogo' maxlength='1' value=".$linha['id_jogo']." style='text-align: center;' readonly='readonly'></font></td>
   <td><font color='white'></font></td>
   <td><input type='int' class='form-control' name='apostacasa' maxlength='1' value='' style='text-align: center;'></td>
   <td><font color='white'></font></td>
   <td><input type='int' class='form-control' name='apostafora' maxlength='1' value='' style='text-align: center;'></td>
   <td><input type='int' class='form-control' name='valor' maxlength='5' value='' style='text-align: center;'></td>
   <td><input ".$desativa_btn." class='btn btn-success submit-botao' value='Apostar' name='btnApostar'></td>

With these changes, the button Bet should be disabled for bets registered at the bank with the $_SESSION['email'] user’s.

  • would you explain to me the search part in the database? I didn’t quite understand how to replace in my code, what would that be and on my bench and in the code I only use the game as the match id

  • Hi @pherb! Dude, I did this: the two tables are correlated by the game id on the "play" field. So I made a "left Join" to relate one table to another by pulling the games available on the table "tb_games". I placed an alias for each table with "a" and "b" respectively, and the "ON ( =" is to pick from the second table the same code as the first. Thus, the "while" will detect the game code that the user has in the table "tb_bet".

  • @pherb [continuing...] This way it is possible to know if the user has already bet on that game id. The substitution is simple: just exchange your query for the suggested query and change the "while" as indicated in the reply.

  • now I understand, thanks even, another doubt, how do I make to hit I play the value of Victory or Defeat to the field Result in the database? I tried to update the tb_bet more when I update it updates all the resulting fields

  • @pherb query UPDATE tb_aposta SET resultado = 'vitoria' WHERE jogo = '$id_jogo' AND usuario = '$usuario' when it hits. When it misses, the same thing, just changing 'vitoria' for 'derrota'... replacing the respective variables ($id_jogo, $usuario) for what you use in the code.


I recommend, you create a table called for example: bets made, with id | id_usuario | id_game | bet | status

each betting click made by the user, vc saved in this table, and checks whether the same user has ever bet on this game, from this logic, vc performs more conditions and checks to make the betting system more secure, such as date, ip and etc... It is up to you. In my case I would do so, since javascript is not being used.


Just check in the betting bank the id of who is betting for example

First refer to the database with the user id:

$query = "select * from apostas where id_usuario='$id_usuario'";
$result= $db->query($query); // aqui suas variáveis de conexão
$list= $result->row; // aqui para selecionar um célula

Then create a condition for this for example:

<?php if($list['id_usuario'] != ''){ 
echo '<button type="submit">Apostar</button>';
echo 'Ops você ja apostou' OU '<button type="submit" disabled>Apostar</button>';

So using the disabled button becomes inactive, and within the condition it will check if there is a value within the betting table with the user id.

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