C# Join 3 tables using Linq?


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I’m picking it up to learn C# and I’m picking it up at some points.

I have 3 tables.

Follow the models

public class Tag
    public int ID_Tag { get; set; }

    [Required(ErrorMessage = "Preencha o Nome")]
    public string Nome_Tag { get; set; }

public class Local
    public int ID_Local { get; set; }

    [Required(ErrorMessage = "Preencha o Nome")]
    public string Nome_Local { get; set; }
    public string Tipo_Local { get; set; }

public class LocTag
    public int ID_LocTag { get; set; }

    public int ID_Tags { get; set; }

    public int ID_Local { get; set; }

    public virtual Tag Tags { get; set; }
    public virtual Local Locais { get; set; }

and would like to make the return of SQL return me as follows.

"result":[ {  
         "Locais" :  { 
                        Tag: [{ 
                              Nome_Tag }]

I tried in various ways some were very close, but not the way I intended.

var result = db.LocTag.Where(x => x.Locais.Tipo_Local == Nome).ToList();

give me the following return:

"result": [
            "Locais": {
                "ID_Local": 5,
                "Nome_Local": "NOME'
            "Tags": {
                "ID_Tag": 1,
                "Nome_Tag": "NOME_TAG"
            "ID_LocTag": 1,
            "ID_Tags": 1,
            "ID_Local": 5
  • You cannot because the Local entity does not have the tag key, notice that only Loctag who knows Tag. Please share with us your entities for more detail.

  • @Gabrielcoletta added on Edit there.

1 answer


You need to add a Select after Where created the structure you want, below follows an example with anonymous class:

var result = db.LocTag.Where(x => x.Locais.Tipo_Local == Nome)
    .Select(c =>  new { 
                          ID_Local = c.Locais.ID_Local, 
                          Nome_Local = c.Locais.Nome_Local, 
                          Tag = c.Tags 

Here’s another example where I created a class to represent the structure:

public class Locais
    public int ID_Local { get; set; }
    public string Nome_Local { get; set; }
    public Tag Tag { get; set; }

Again I run the same command but in this case I fill the above class:

 var result = db.LocTag.Where(x => x.Locais.Tipo_Local == Nome)
      .Select(c => new Locais { 
                                  ID_Local = c.Locais.ID_Local, 
                                  Nome_Local = c.Locais.Nome_Local, 
                                  Tag = c.Tags 

I hope I’ve helped, any doubt I’m available.

  • I did as you told me, but he’s coming a little outside of what I’m trying to achieve. .

  • Create two examples below, which one meets the two?

  • var result = db.LocTag.Where(x => x.Locais.Type_local == Name) . Select(c => new { Places = new { Id_local = c.Locals.Id_local, Name_local = c.Locais.Name_local, Tag = c.Tags } }). Tolist();

  • var res = db.LocTag.Where(x => x.Locais.Type_local == Name) . Select(c => new { Id_local = c.Locais.Id_local, Name_local = c.Locals.Name_local, Tag = c.Tags }). Tolist(); var result = new { Places = res };

  • Tell me so I’ll change the answer

  • Sorry for the delay in answering, I was without internet. The returns did not meet the model I needed in return. I used a for each to nest the return you gave me with the model I needed as a measure to continue my studies.

  • Beauty man, any doubt I’m available

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