How to replace the comma


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I was wondering how can I replace the comma for a period.

Example: I have the following number 2.32 wanted it to be 2.32.

How can I do that?

I’ve tried using the ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) but it still didn’t change.

3 answers


  • but then the number won’t get "." ?

  • 1

    That’s what you asked for, change the comma for a point

  • +1 for not doing gambiarra. Only complementing that probably this number is a monetary value or something equivalent, and a double should not be used.

  • @Maniero thanks, and I used double because it was already in the microsoft example and was not specified in the issue, but work with decimal.


You can use the method String.Replace(string1, string2) or String.Replace(char1, char2), in 1 you put what you want to remove, and in 2 what you want to add, example:

string num = 2,32
num = num.Replace(',','.');


When you use the ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), right after it is necessary to use the namespace

using System.Globalization;

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