Console write 2 strings from the list


Viewed 44 times


I created a list in which I added 2 strings:

var lista = new List<string> {cliente.Nome, cliente.Sobrenome};

And in the end I wanted you to show it like this:


But just show the name, why?

1 answer


Because you are only having the first element printed, if you want to print the two elements you need to have it explicitly printed. So:

WriteLine(${lista[0] - lista[1]});

Note that he is not writing the name, he is writing element 0 of array. You know it’s a name, but he doesn’t know, to him it’s just a string whichever.

It’s just a little weird wanting to put age as a string. Probably this whole idea is wrong, it doesn’t seem like you need a list there, but I can’t say without a bigger context.

This is also pretty weird, adding a list to itself?


I put in the Github for future reference.

Something tells me there must be several other errors in the code.

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