I need to inform how much time I have of a certain chronometer, I have the date of the moment at which I started the event.
I’m developing with angular 4
and use plugin Moment js
In my html I’m doing so:
<div class="row card-indicator centralize-text">
{{((locations[indiceMotorist]?.trip.createdAt == undefined)? '0' : locations[indiceMotorist]?.trip.createdAt) | amDifference: today :'minutes' : true }}
The restultado that is printed on the screen is being:
My date is in this format, and it comes from my server:
createdAt: "2017-11-01T13:13:59.015Z"
An important point is that I cannot use the date of my computer due to the time of the server and the client pc may be outdated. To solve this problem from time to time I send a location that contains an hour also from the server.
createdAt: "2017-11-01T14:22:23.466Z"
I am thinking of making the final date (in the case I sent the location) - the initial date, in order to obtain the time that is in route.
I don’t know if I can do this with Moment js, but I need to do this, how can I ?
Is there any plugin that facilitates, or even javascript
native that solves my problem.
Do you really want to know how you make that difference and how you convert to, I don’t know, hours, minutes and seconds? Or do you really need the timing? Thousandths?
– José
No milliseconds no matter, I only need hours minutes and seconds,
– Renan Rodrigues
@Joseph has achieved something.
– Renan Rodrigues