I have a modal bootstrap and in it I display a table, However when this table returns many records the modal ends up overflowing out of the screen, And can not see the end of the modal as in the image:
This problem bothers because there are records below hidden and not to select, In case you have to zoom in to be able to display the modal completely.
The zoom is like this:
I would like a way that this modal does not exceed the screen/monitor limits as it does for the upper and lateral margins, I tried with max-heigth but without success.
I think you have to move it is at the time of div "Customers", and not in modal. Try to set a max-height in div "Customers" in CSS or direct in tag, like
<div style="max-height:...
– Sam
I got with max-height in the modal-content class using max-heigth:100vh where vh would be the limit of the screen even, in the modal functionor now the table is popping the modal, I need to be able to make it stay in the limit modal mo too
– Edenilson Bila