Wordpress on Localhost


Viewed 76 times


I own a Wordpress site online, and I need to put this site on my local machine. I have an environment with Wampserver. How can I move this site to my local machine? Just copying the files and backing up the bank I can develop this situation?

  • see if this helps https://www.bloglite.net/comor-migrar-o-wordpress-de-servor-guide/, this one more precisely: http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-move-live-wordpress-site-to-localserver/

  • very good tutorial, but my doubt is that, this tutorial teaches to host it from site to online, to place it local, from online to site I use the same process?

  • the second tutorial explains this, I think the process to move from local to web and from web to local is the same or much like

3 answers


The best plugin to do this calls if All in One WP Migration, you will install it in your application and will export using this plugin as "file" then install the plugin in your local application and click on import, hence it will all correct without errors, what does not happen with most other plugins for this purpose. Any questions just ask!


  • thanks I’ll find out...


  • thanks I’ll find out...

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