Unknown Provider: Permpermissionstoreprovider


Viewed 367 times


After installing the package through Bower, it is not recognized in the project. Follows the code:

installation command: Bower install angular-permission --save (I have tried installing by npm as well, but without success)

code where I use the service:

(function() {

'use Strict';

    .factory('UserSession', UserSession);

function UserSession($q, AuthServer, PermPermissionStore) {

    //... outros códigos

    function getAccountThen (account) {

                if(account.data === "") {
                    return getAccountCatch();

                var perfis = _account.perfil.map(function(p) { return p.cdPerfil });
                PermPermissionStore.defineManyPermissions(perfis, hasAuthority);

                _account = account.data;
                _authenticated = true;

    //... outros códigos



The same code is used in other projects and works perfectly.

Error stack:

Uncaught Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: PermPermissionStoreProvider <- PermPermissionStore <- UserSession <- AuthService

http://errors.angularjs.org/1.5.6/$injector/unpr? P0=Permpermissionstoreprovider%20%3C-%20PermissionStore%20%3C-%20UserSession%20%3C-%20AuthService at angular.js:68 at angular.js:4501 At Object.getService [as get] (angular.js:4654) at angular.js:4506 at getService (angular.js:4654) at injectionArgs (angular.js:4678) At Object.invoke (angular.js:4700) At object.enforcedReturnValue [as $get] (angular.js:4547) At Object.invoke (angular.js:4708) at angular.js:4507

What could possibly be causing the error? I already ran 'Gulp clean && Gulp build && Gulp and nothing. I’ve already closed the text editor and opened it, and nothing.

From now on I appreciate any help.

1 answer


Permission needed to be added to the main module (app.module.js). Lack of attention.


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