API BB web system implementation


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I am developing a Web Project and I need it to generate a ticket for payment through an account of Banco do Brasil.

But I never worked with boleto generator;

Does anyone know if the BB provides any Web API or how it works for me to insert this type of system in my Web Project?

If BB does not provide any tools, someone recommends some that has used?

  • 1

    If with a real system (application, not web) we already suffer with the BB to make a simple shipment, I imagine that with a "site" generator billets will suffer even more. I already say that one thing is to generate the ticket, and the other is to integrate with the bank system (make the shipment). I suggest you download the manuals from the bank’s website to get started. These days I’m working to migrate a client from BB to Box pq at least Box has contract with some Vans that include direct access by the customer (even so, the integration is still unnecessarily bureaucratic).

  • If it is logged billet will have problems, if it is unregistered you can use phpboleto

1 answer


Banco do Brasil recently released an API for developers.

Official website: https://developers.bb.com.br

Documentation: https://developers.bb.com.br/docs/

But the project is still in beta phase. Therefore it is necessary to register and wait for them to release the tool for testing and implementations.

I am eagerly awaiting my release.


If you’re interested in testing the Boletos API, follow @Pedro_begotti’s instructions at:


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