How to call a JS function by passing parameter as soon as the page is loaded?


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I have to call a function in my JS by passing as parameter an array, when the page is loaded.

I can do it using one p:commandButton, where here: actionListener="#{rotaEntregaBean.gerarMapa()}" i run the function in the Bean (taking values in the database) and then, aqui:oncomplete="initMap(xhr, status, args)" i run the JS function.


<p:commandButton id="btnMapa" value="Gerar Rota" icon="ui-icon-pin-s" 
 style="float:right" oncomplete="initMap(xhr, status, args)"/> 



But I’m willing to do it without having to click the button, once I load the page.
In my page I already start a Bean method as shown in the image below, but I don’t know how to call the JS function with parameter.

Calling Bean method as soon as the page is loaded:

    <o:viewParam name="entrega_id" value="#{rotaEntregaBean.id_entrega}" />
    <f:viewAction action="#{rotaEntregaBean.inicializar}" />

JS function

function initMap(xhr, status, args) {   
    var qtd_entregas = args.coord.length;

    for (var i = 0; i < args.coord.length; i++) {
            location : args.coord[i].latitude + ', ' + args.coord[i].longitude,
            stopover : true,

1 answer


You can run the JS inside your bean. Call the function as soon as you finish filling your array. To run inside the bean is like this:

  • I tried this way, but as I will pass the vector by parameter to the JS function I am calling?

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