How to insert value in mysql with PHP and Ajax


Viewed 1,035 times


I have the following page of recipes, which brings the list of ingredients:

$db->setQuery("Select * from #__ingredientes");
$tmpingredientes = $db->loadObjectList();

And from now on I’ll show you the list of ingredients.

I wanted to put an input and button that when sending, it inserts a new value and already updates this list that is appearing, without updating the page, I believe with ajax, right? Something like that:

echo '
<input type="text" id="ingrediente" value="'.$ingrediente.'">
$db->setQuery("INSERT INTO #__ingredientes
(id, ingrediente, ordering, published)
VALUES (NULL,$ingrediente,'0','1')

The right line of reasoning or traveling?

  • You got the idea right, but you missed far in practice, you’ve done something in JS or Ajax that makes a query ?

  • with ajax no.. :/

  • I put in a very detailed answer, I believe you’ll achieve based on it.

2 answers


This is quite simple to do, let’s assume that your code to insert is in a unique file, called inserir.php.

$db->setQuery("INSERT INTO #__ingredientes
(id, ingrediente, ordering, published)
VALUES (NULL,$ingrediente,'0','1')

Now just do the ajax

   type: 'POST',
   url: 'inserir.php',
   data: {
      ingrediente: 'ALGUMA COISA'
   success: function(data){

That way it will always insert a new item to your list without updating the page, as you have not posted all your code, it was difficult to make a more complete example, but the basis is this.

  • is that the code is a bit complex, I decided to test first in a blank file to learn, I set up an addingrediente.php that has a form with input and button, I wanted in his Ubmit, he do this whole process


Let’s go in pieces:

1 - This process encompasses 4 things, HTML, Javascript, PHP and Ajax.

  • HTML Will build the elements
  • Javascript will make the interaction between HTML, Ajax and PHP.
  • ajax will interact with PHP and tell Javascript what to do.
  • PHP will think, save in the bank the value, and return something via Ajax for Javascript to work.

First, you need a input and of a button:

<input type='text' name='ingrediente' class='input'>
<button class='add-ingrediente'>Adicionar</button>

Second, you need to take the value of input, by clicking on button, this we will do with jQuery(javascript facilitated):

 //Repare que aqui nós vamos atribuir o valor do elemento `'.ingrediente'` (que é o input, a variavel JS `'ingrediente'`
 var ingrediente = $('.ingrediente').val();

Third, to request a PHP file to save to BD and return the value, we will use a method $.ajax, which operates as follows: NOTE: This ajax call should go inside the event that was passed up.

   //Define o método que 'ingrediente' será passado para o servidor
   type: "POST",
   //Aqui deve-se apontar o arquivo da chamada
   url: "insere.php",
   //Aqui é o modo de se passar um váriavel JS para o php, 
   data: {ingrediente: ingrediente},
   //Aqui é o formato que o arquivo PHP irá responder
   dataType: 'html',
   //Caso tudo ocorra bem, aqui nós vamos preencher a lista
   //Repare que este 'data' é o que o arquivo insere.php vai devolver
   success: function (data)
          //Selecionamos o elemento '.lista', e com o método jQuery append() colocamos a resposta do arquivo PHP dentro da lista.

Fourth, let’s see the file inserts.php:

//Recebendo o valor passado via POST
$ingrediente = $_POST['ingrediente'];
//Aqui você fez correto, 
$db->setQuery("INSERT INTO #__ingredientes
(id, ingrediente, ordering, published)
VALUES (NULL,$ingrediente,'0','1')
//E aqui você devolve um elemento 'li' para a requisição:
//Isso é o que será posto no final da lista
echo '<li>'.$ingrediente.'</li>';

IMPORTANT: Don’t forget to include the jQuery within the <head></head> of your page


This fiddle below demonstrates how the file that has the list should be basic.

 var ingrediente = $('.ingrediente').val();
  type: "POST",
  url: "insere.php",
  data: {function: 'geral_controllers', target: 'render_edit_user_form', collaborator: $collaborator},
  dataType: 'json',
  success: function (data)
.div-form {
border:1px solid #ccc;

.div-lista {
border:1px solid #999;
<script src=""></script>

<div class='div-form'>
<input type='text' name='ingrediente' class='input'>
<button class='add-ingrediente'>Adicionar</button>

<div class='div-lista'>
<ul class='lista'>
     Ing 1
    Ing 2
    Ing 3
    Ing 4

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