Get X and Y from the screen using PYTHON


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I want to create a bot(macro) that performs some click tasks, for this I am using the autopygui in python!

But I don’t have much experience in X and Y, and testing it manually and boring.

I would like, to get the x and y by clicking on the screen, for example, I click on such screen location and present on the console the X and Y of the click location. Possible?

3 answers


Good a way to do this in autopygui would basically be like this:

#pega o retorno da posicao atual de x e y do mouse e passa o valor da tupla para as duas variaveis
x, y = pyautogui.position()
print "Posicao atual do mouse:"
print "x = "+str(x)+" y = "+str(y)

#retorna True se x & y estiverem dentro da tela
print "\nEsta dentro da tela?"
resp = pyautogui.onScreen(x, y)
print str(resp)

Reference: autopygui


A quick solution using Pyuserinput and without going into specifics of operating system: instances of mouse have the method position(), which returns the position (X, Y) at each call:

$ pip install git+
>>> import pymouse
>>> mouse = pymouse.PyMouse()
>>> mouse.position()
(562, 528)
>>> mouse.position()
(1259, 195)
>>> mouse.position()
(157, 259)


It took me a long time to ask you the most I edited the above code for users. Just copy and play in IDLE or IDE.


import pyautogui
import time
#pega o retorno da posicao atual de x e y do mouse e passa o valor da tupla para as duas variaveis
print('Posicione o MOUSE')
x, y = pyautogui.position()
print ("Posicao atual do mouse:")
print ("x = "+str(x)+" y = "+str(y))

#retorna Truee se x & y estiverem dentro da tela
print ("\nEsta dentro da tela?")
resp = pyautogui.onScreen(x, y)
print (str(resp))
  • 1

    I didn’t understand the need to copy an answer just to add one print and parentheses in the others prints

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