I have problems trying to scale a matrix 5x5. First I made a null line go to the last line of the matrix (it worked out), then I tried to make a line that had the highest index be below that which had a lower index, but on the line:
if pivos_indices[i] > pivos_indices[linha_aux] and linha_aux < 5 and i < 5:
of the code, the compiler warns that the list index is out of range, but I don’t know why (that’s the problem). Below follows the code:
import numpy as np
def buscar_pivo(L):
if (np.nonzero(L)[0]).size == 0:
return -1
return np.nonzero(L)[1][0]
def encontrar_pivos_indices(mat):
pivos = []
for i in range(5):
return pivos
mat = np.matrix([[0,5,2,7,8],[8,10,4,14,16],[0,0,0,0,0],[2,6,10,16,22],[3,5,8,9,15]]).astype(float)
print("Matriz original:\n",mat,"\n")
pivos_indices = encontrar_pivos_indices(mat)
linha_aux = 0
for i in range(5):
linha_aux = linha_aux + 1
if pivos_indices[i] == -1 and linha_aux < 5 and i < 5:
m = mat.tolist()
(m[i],m[linha_aux]) = (m[linha_aux],m[i])
mat = np.matrix(m)
pivos_indices = encontrar_pivos_indices(mat)
linha_aux = 0
for i in range(5):
linha_aux = linha_aux + 1
if pivos_indices[i] > pivos_indices[linha_aux] and linha_aux < 5 and i < 5:
m = mat.tolist()
(m[i],m[linha_aux]) = (m[linha_aux],m[i])
mat = np.matrix(m)
pivos_indices = encontrar_pivos_indices(mat)