Int, unsigned and Signed modifiers in C language


Viewed 287 times


Algorithm "takes age":

// idade deve sempre ser positiva, por isso vou usar unsigned
unsigned int t1;
printf("Digite sua idade:");
scanf("%d", &t1);
printf("Idade: %d", t1);

Doubt: Even if I enter with a negative value, 2 printf() is negative. I did not understand the actual use of the modifier unsigned of int?

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2 answers


If you want to accept only positive have to filter properly (if (t1 >= 0)).

The guy unsigned int indicates only that it will be a number without signal, does not prohibit entering a negative number. It is possible to store a originally negative number in it where it loses the signal and generates a very different positive number than it expects. See this at How -1 can be greater than 4?.


When the modifier is used %d you are indicating an integer type value with sign, in this case negative. The correct modifier for no signal is %u. Internally, both signal and signal-free end up using the same number of bits. The difference is that in the case with signal, it uses the most significant bit to indicate the signal used.

  • Not necessarily a bit is used for the signal. C standard does not require a specific form of signal storage. The most common is not even this type, but the complement of 1s. Some details in English here

  • 2

    Complement 2 is the most used. Complement 1 is only the denied bits. Often the eighth bit is called a signal bit by force of habit, because being turned on indicates that the number is negative, but not necessarily speaking this way indicates that one is using signal magnitude representation. I handle these three representation schemes in that reply, including some (not many) pros and cons

  • 1

    By the way, @Pabloalmeida, interesting reference

  • 1

    Good answer to yours. I confused the two here. Thank you for the correction. :)

  • @Pabloalmeida I also live confused. Tomorrow I probably will not remember which complement of 2 and that of 1, but today the answer is correct

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