Syntax error Unexpected END_OF_LINE in line 2 php.init


Viewed 33 times


see the Error

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You’re saying it’s in this file I just can’t tell where, can anyone identify?

  • Post the contents of the php.init file.

  • He’s too big, how can I put it all?

  • Put at least the beginning, this part of line 2.

  • 4

    This is probably an error syntax revise your code, it must be missing a = in some setting or comparison

1 answer


Check if there is in the first line this:


And if there’s this line much further down:

session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440

If yes, try removing the first line in the case:


It is possible that he is trying to set maxlifetime twice.

  • 1

    someone gave you a negative when I didn’t do it.

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