Correct reading Linux PID


Viewed 110 times


I’m having a little trouble reading the PID from the file. It presents the message below, but I can’t understand beyond the script what else is presented.
I also saw that it has 2 . jar, these processes are queued or continuous?

root 28140 28125 0 06:50 ? 00:00:54 java -Xms256m -Xmx1024m -classpath .. /lib/63_CME_MessageFactoryPatch.jar:.. /lib/fix-application-server.jar:.. /Resources com.cameronsystems.fix.universalserver.Universalserver -id buy -xmlconfig Buy_dsv.xml -server buy1 -cluster buyCluster_dsv -nogui

  • I didn’t quite understand your question. You have a single java process with two files .jar and folder resource in the classpath. All the rest of the line after the classpath, including the file path are arguments that you are passing to your application. What do you mean by "queue" or "continuous" I could update your question with more information?

1 answer


This is a process only, the PID of the same is in the second column from left to right. The process is java, the rest is parameters.

You can get the exact PID number by running the command

pidof nome_do_processo


ps aux | grep nome_do_processo | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'

The return of these above commands is the exact PID number, if you have more processes with the same name, will list more than one pid number.

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