I am learning to code in Assembly and I have a problem which is the following:
I have a result of a subtraction in number of 32 bits, and it has to return a number of 64 bits.
Note: I’m using a 32-bit linux vm
I am learning to code in Assembly and I have a problem which is the following:
I have a result of a subtraction in number of 32 bits, and it has to return a number of 64 bits.
Note: I’m using a 32-bit linux vm
.intel_syntax noprefix
.comm diff64, 8, 8 # Declara simbolo de 64 bits
MOV EBX, 87654321 # Minuendo em EBX
MOV EAX, 12345678 # Subtraendo em EAX
SUB EBX, EAX # Subtrai EAX de EBX, resultado em EAX
MOV DWORD PTR diff64, EAX # Preenche 32bits menos significativos do simbolo de 64bits
MOV DWORD PTR diff64 + 4, 0 # Preenche 32bits mais significativos do simbolo de 64bits
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