Installation phpmyadmin


Viewed 188 times


I’m trying to install phpmyadmin on a computer running apache 1.3.27. I did the installation normally, but when I try to access the phpmyadmin link the following error appears:

The requested URL /phpmyadmin/ was not found on this server. Apache/1.3.27 Server at localhost Port 80

I did the installation normally by changing as it guides everywhere. I am using Windows

BS: I know Stackoverflow isn’t the right place for this, but I can’t find anything on the internet and since it’s a well-used development tool, maybe someone had the same problem.

  • Why don’t you try using the wamp?

  • I can’t, I was just asked to install phpmyadmin, I already have old systems working and I can’t even change the version of apache or php.

2 answers


/* UPDATE */

Goes in Apache config (httpd.conf) and below Alias /home/mysql "${path}/phpmyadmin add that line:

Alias /mysql "${path}/phpmyadmin" 


Try these commands:

sudo -H gedit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

At the end of the file add:


Then restart apache with:

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

It’s linux or windows?

  • It is a computer with Windows

  • Did it work? Otherwise I have another option to try.

  • Didn’t work. :(

  • Wait, these commands are to be executed in CMD? is that says sudo is not a command.

  • What program are you using to run Apache? For example, there is wamp and xampp.

  • using easyPHP

  • I posted a new way, otherwise it works, if possible, uninstall and install again.

  • So, here is not quite like this, but there is something like this: Alias /mysql/ "C:/Program Files/EasyPHP1-7/phpmyadmin/"&#xA;&#xA; <Directory "C:/Program Files/EasyPHP1-7/phpmyadmin">&#xA; Options FollowSymLinks Indexes&#xA; AllowOverride None&#xA; Order deny,allow&#xA; allow from; deny from all&#xA; </Directory>

  • Try changing these options to: "Allowoverride all" "Order Allow,Deny" "Allow from all" "Allow from" Saves and restarts apache.

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So I just put the phpMyAdmin folder inside the Easyphp WWW and it worked.

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