Animation Transform "blurring" svg while animating


Viewed 79 times


I’m having a problem making an animation where I have one circle in svg and I need to make it go up to cover the entire screen, like a FAB which transforms into a div, I’ve done an animation of this but with a lot of fun background-size and background-position.

The simplest and best performing mode was using transform: scale();, was the way I wanted but here comes the problem, Firefox worked perfectly, but in Chrome (and Opera I’m using) svg is 'blurred' so to say while the scale.
There is some way to fix this even if you have to use some js library or something like that, because I’ve tried everything I know and nothing helped. Follow the code I’m using.

$(document).ready(function() {
  $(".btn").click(function () {
        svg = $(this);
        if(svg.attr("class") == "btn active") {
            svg.attr("class", "btn");
        else {
            svg.attr("class", "btn active");
.btn {
            fill: #1dc7ff;
            width: 3.5rem;
            height: 3.5rem;
            border-radius: 50%;
            cursor: pointer;
            position: fixed;
            right: 1rem;
            bottom: 1rem;
            transition: .05s;
        .btn:active {
            transform: scale(.95);
            transition: 4s;
        } {
            transform: scale(100);
            transition: 10s;
<script src=""></script>

<svg class="btn">
    <circle cx="1.75rem" cy="1.75rem" r="1.75rem"></circle>

Obs: I have tried to use the code below that I found in several forums but not solved:

svg {
  -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
  -webkit-transform: translateZ(0) scale(1.0, 1.0);
  transform: translateZ(0);

Image of how it looks during animation: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • I think it depends on the browser. Which one are you testing? At least in Chrome/OSX I don’t see much problem with animation. She’s a little fast, maybe that’s the cause of the blur?

  • Ready I edited the speed

  • I know it only looks like this in Chrome and Opera, but since they are very used browsers (Chrome yoke) I need to solve this.

  • kk the problem is not the speed of the animation but the way the svg is blurred during animation scale as I left the example in the image.

  • 1

    I think what you had to do was the opposite: create a giant svg and put it initially smaller. So it wouldn’t burst. What you tha doing is creating a small and increasing... the browser bursts it when it increases.

  • All right @Dvd I’ve seen something like this in an English forum but I couldn’t understand, I could make an example

  • Blz @Dvd your suggestion worked, put an example so that I as answered.

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1 answer


Some browsers "overflow" the quality of the svg when increased its original size (e.g., Chrome).

One solution is to create a svg with original size equal to the largest scale you wanted and reduce it initially with the scale. So when clicked, it would grow up to the original size without loss of quality.

  $(document).ready(function() {
  $(".btn").click(function () {
        svg = $(this);
        if(svg.attr("class") == "btn active") {
            svg.attr("class", "btn");
        else {
            svg.attr("class", "btn active");
.btn {
            fill: #1dc7ff;
            width: 80rem;
            height: 80rem;
            border-radius: 50%;
            cursor: pointer;
            position: fixed;
            right: -30rem;
            bottom: -37rem;
            transition: .05s;
            transform: scale(.01);
        .btn:active {
            transform: scale(.95);
            transition: 4s;
        } {
            transform: scale(100);
            transition: 100s;
<script src=""></script>
<svg class="btn">
    <circle cx="40rem" cy="40rem" r="40rem"></circle>

  • In case someone is having trouble making the animation I leave an example with some small modifications to work as I wanted, but without the @Dvd response it would not have worked. I used two libraries Jquery and Tweenmax GSAP, because it partially solved my problem and with the solution of the above answer I was able to do. follow link

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