How to remove the first key that involves all values from a JSON


Viewed 211 times


It is possible to remove the first key { } of a JSON and add in lines below (Enter), of each value?

var obj = {
  "arvore": "/",
  "avo": "obadias",
  "pai": {
    "eu": "Leonardo"

class Access {
  static getRaiz(obj) {
    return JSON.stringify(obj);

document.body.innerHTML = Access.getRaiz(obj);

1 answer


If I understand correctly, you are trying to visually format the object that came out of a JSON.

For the formatting you want you can:

  • Call the Stringify with a specific spacing
  • Cut the first and last character with slice(1,-1)
  • Use the label <pre> to keep formatting in html


var obj = {
  "arvore": "/",
  "avo": "obadias",
  "pai": {
    "eu": "Leonardo"

class Access {
  static getRaiz(obj) {
    //4 é o numero de espaços que cada objeto anda para dentro
    return JSON.stringify(obj, undefined, 4); 

//aqui utiliza o <pre> no inicio e o slice para cortar primeiro e ultimo
document.body.innerHTML = '<pre>' + Access.getRaiz(obj).slice(1,-1) + '</pre>';

With string interpolation could build html as follows:

document.body.innerHTML = `<pre>${Access.getRaiz(obj).slice(1,-1)}</pre>`;

This second way ends up simplifying a lot when you have to include many expressions in a String.

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