I have a closed source software that validates the Nfe key in the invoice entry by the stock module.
I need to generate some Nfe keys for testing.
So far I know that the Nfe key validates the supplier’s IBGE code, document number, and Note Series.
Someone has the algorithm for generating these key bills?
I need the algorithm to make a key generation system.
I searched the internet but I didn’t find this information, maybe I’m looking for wrong.
Can you help me?
Thank you.
Perfect, @Anthraxisbr! I will only suggest you also take a look at the Acbr Project, which I always recommend when dealing with any commercial software related subject. They have interesting examples that may be useful :)
– Cleber Griff
It helped a lot, I will try to generate the keys with the information of this manual.
– Laércio Lopes