How to map an Excel column to a Database column


Viewed 151 times


I needed help to do the specific mapping of a column of an excel file to a column of a database. I can read the excel file but I just can’t map the file to the column I want in the database. If you need any part of the code just ask as any other question.

I wanted to do something like this : inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • You want to read Excel from your application, or you want to export data from an excel document to a new table in the database?

  • @Rafaelmarcos I want to read and then export to a new database

  • You will have several different documents or just one ?

  • For now I only have 2

2 answers


For what you said, just create the tables in Bd and perform CRUD(Create,Read,Update,Delete) by the application.

Example: As you did not specify which bank you are using I will use Postgres, but should suit anyone.

First install a ADO.NET data provider in the project, can be done by Nuget Manager. I installed Npgsql.

Create the database to receive this data.

CREATE TABLE public."exemplodb"
  browse character varying NOT NULL,
  colunadadb1 character varying,
  colunadadb2 character varying,
  colunadadb3 character varying,
  colunadadb4 character varying,
ALTER TABLE public."exemplodb"
  OWNER TO postgres;

Now by clicking the Send BD button you program your data handling.

        private void enviardbButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (NpgsqlConnection conn = new NpgsqlConnection("sua connection string aqui"))

                    string commandText = 
                        $"insert into exemplosdb " +
                        $"(browse, colunadadb1, colunadadb2, colunadadb3, colunadadb4) " +
                        $"values ('{browseComboBox.Text}' '{colunadb1ComboBox.Text}', " +
                        $"'{colunadb1ComboBox.Text}', '{colunadb1ComboBox.Text}', '{colunadb1ComboBox.Text}');";
                    int linhasAfetadas = 0;
                    using (NpgsqlCommand command = new NpgsqlCommand(commandText, conn))
                        linhasAfetadas = command.ExecuteNonQuery();
                    if (linhasAfetadas == 1)
                        //Dados da tela gravados com sucesso.
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;
                    if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open)

Making it clear that this is a super simplified example just to demonstrate! Several important concepts, such as separation of responsibilities, layered programming, among others were ignored for simplicity, but are very important.

  • What I need is not quite that, I think . I need to read the names of the Excel columns and send to the combobox. Then if I want the 3 column Excel insert in the first column of the database just go to the first combobox and choose the name of the Excel column I want. I don’t know if I made myself clear.

  • So you want to read excel, take the names of the columns and the content, create this column in the database storing the data and then read the application of this database?


I believe the easiest way for this case is to use the SQL Server (Sql Server Import and Export Data) data import tool and create a new table in the database temporarily, so that it is possible to input new data from a select or update from a Join, to load the desired column.

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