How to add social media buttons


Viewed 467 times


How can I implement social networking buttons in my application(Facebook, Linkdin, Youtube) HTML/CSS/JavaScript ? Most of the examples I found are in PHP

  • you want to generate login buttons?

  • @Luizsantos No. Example, the user clicks on determiando button and takes up to the company profile of each social network

1 answer


You can control the destination of the click through the attribute href anchor:

<a href="" style="display:table;padding:15px;background:url('') center;background-size: 30px 30px;
    background-repeat: no-repeat; "><a/><br>

<a href="" style="display:table;padding:15px;background:url('') center;background-size: 30px 30px;
    background-repeat: no-repeat; "><a/><br>

<a href="" style="display:table;padding:15px;background:url('') center;background-size: 30px 30px;
    background-repeat: no-repeat; "></a><br>

There are several ways to accomplish this, this is a simple example.

  • Maybe just to be clear, for us href the social network link /perfil/MagicHat?

  • 1

    @Jeffersonquesado I have no profile on the face:(..... but knows the maxim "Do not give the fish, teach to fish"...?

  • I was referring to the structure of the link, it didn’t have to be real ;-) And yes, lately I’ve gotten used to giving the fish fried and without spine

  • 1

    Ah.. I try to run from this, yet still we end up doing... But it is not good for those who want to learn... To tell you the truth I did not understand the issue right and my interpreter has the defect to take everything literally, being: "the user clicks on determiando button and takes up the company profile of each social network "I don’t know exactly what you mean...

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