What are the differences between Kanban and Scrum?


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It seems that nowadays it is impossible to work in programming and not know the agile methodologies developmental.

I am aware that both are used to improve team performance and integration when developing code, but I have difficulty differing from these methodologies.
My doubts are:

  • What differs between Kanban and Scrum?
  • Are there any other agile methods? I’ve never heard of any other than these 2.
  • How to choose between Kanban and Scrum? Is there any factor that can be decisive in choosing team methodology?
  • 2

    Kanban is used within Scrum to manage in sight

  • @Jeffersonquesado then is not a methodology in itself? only a part of the Scrum?

  • I expressed myself badly =x Kanban and Shaban are two distinct beings, with different focuses. Kanban focuses on the visual monitoring of the processes, much used in the Ean production system. Scrum is a project management scheme, focused on short races (sprints) and constant contact with stakeholders

  • I’m lazy, I’m leaving the seed for someone to answer... may be by chat

2 answers


Scrum is an agile development method that relies on characteristic components such as:

  • the division of development time into sprints where the stresses are made in gradual and independent ways from each other.
  • A team member (Product Owner) should have the function of integrating the demands of the application/business area customers with the development team and Scrum Master.
  • A member of the team (Scrum Master) is responsible for the development team and the Product Owners, should know the skills and limitations of their team, assist in the most effective development possible and avoid interference.

Kanban is nothing more than a way of organizing development, originally done with post-its and nowadays also in digital media. Separating columns representing the stages of development and post-its with the task name or written sprint.

For example: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

There are other agile models and companies adapt agile methods to fit their context. An example of another method is Extreme Programming(XP)

  • 1

    Not really, the one you refer to is the "Kanban", which would be something "visual sign", inherited from TỜS. Kanban is a methodology, well documented by David Anderson in 2008 and with a lot of content available. See for example at http://leankanban.com/


Each agile methodology brings a peculiar set of conditions, advantages and challenges to its adoption in a corporate environment.

Before choosing I suggest that you carefully assess the pros and cons by contextualizing the company’s culture, current performance problems and whether there will be internal support for change.

Some other interesting options to study are:

  1. Lean
  2. AUP (Agile Unified Process)
  3. FDD (Feature Driven Development)
  4. Scrumban
  5. Crystal
  6. DSDM
  • Lean is agile? I thought it was just a more efficient way of traditional management

  • 1

    The Lean principles are in line with the Agile proposal. The attached article addresses the connections between Lean and Agile: https://www.forbes.com/2010/01/11/software-lean-manufacturing-technology-cio-network-agile.html

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