Taking advantage of the idea of the loop of Luiz Santos and the script of the brother of this post
for(var x = 1;x <= 25; x++ ){
if( x < 10)
var url = "0" + x + ".jpg";
var url = x + ".jpg";
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = "http:///the_gamer/the_gamer035-"+url;
a.download = "035-"+url;
In Google Chrome Version 61.0.3163.100 is asked a question "Download multiple files" "Allow" "Block". The browser must be configured to download files automatically. Otherwise you will be waiting for confirmation of each download.
To automatically configure downloads on Google Chrome
1 - On your computer, open Google Chrome.
2 - In the upper right corner, click on
3 - At the bottom of the page, click on Advanced
4 - In the "Downloads" section, adjust your download settings
The question link doesn’t seem to work http:///the_gamer/the_gamer035-01.jpg
cool, what you’ve tried to do, already have some code, some test?
– Ricardo Pontual
– rodrigorf
Well, I didn’t find any native javascript function for download.
– Diego Queiroz
@Diegoqueiroz there is no code that does this directly, but see Luiz Santos' answer.
– Oralista de Sistemas