Webview android 6.0 does not load map with image


Viewed 152 times


I have an application that gets js, html, css settings through Webview, to create an offline map.

In android 4.4 works correctly. In android 6.0 no content appears.

I make the call through the Assets


I also put the permissions on Androidmanifest.


The problem is occurring on the way to find the images. The permissions were right.


But the address of the used Sdcard has to be changed.

  • What permissions you put on Androidmanifest?

  • We put Internet permissions, Access_fine_location, Access_coarse_location, Read_external_storage, Write_external_storage

1 answer


From Android 5.0 the permissions are requested on demand, IE, the developer needs to request the permissions at the time it will use. It may be happening this, go to the application settings and check if all permissions have been accepted.

  • By the application settings, all permissions have been accepted. My question would be, always q access the application these permissions should be redone?

  • No, permissions only need to be accepted once by the user

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