Date does not receive value more 30 days


Viewed 54 times


I have a code that I want to check if the date is over 30 days with Jodatime, but putting in the console output the value is not assigned. I saw the following:

and I had the same idea, but it still didn’t work.

Follows the code :

DateTime dataEnvioPrevistoMaisTrintaDias = new DateTime();
dataEnvioPrevistoMaisTrintaDias = peg.getDataEnvioPrevisto().plus(30);
System.out.println("Data Envio : "+ peg.getDataEnvioPrevisto());
System.out.println("Data Envio + 30 : "+dataEnvioPrevistoMaisTrintaDias);

Console output:

Date Sent: 2017-09-29T00:00:00.000-03:00

Date Shipping + 30 : 2017-09-29T00:00:00.030-03:00

3 answers


You are using the wrong method. See the documentation for method plus(long):

duration - the Duration, in Millis, to add to this one


duration - the duration, in Millis, to add to this object

That is, instead of adding up 30 days, you added up 30 milliseconds!

The method you should use is the plusDays(int).


I think the right thing would be plusDays() and not plus() as you are using. Change this line:

dataEnvioPrevistoMaisTrintaDias = peg.getDataEnvioPrevisto().plus(30);


dataEnvioPrevistoMaisTrintaDias = peg.getDataEnvioPrevisto().plusDays(30);

I advise to give a read in this post teaching to manipulate classes in the new package java.time. since java-8, all the features of jodaTime have been natively added to the language.


The method you are using to add days, the plus(), is not the correct one. This one is for adding milliseconds, as the documentation indicates:

public Datetime plus(long Duration)



Duration - the Duration, in Millis, to add to this one

Instead you have to use the plusDays() adding the indicated quantity in days:

dataEnvioPrevistoMaisTrintaDias = peg.getDataEnvioPrevisto().plusDays(30);

Documentation for plusDays()

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