Using two options simultaneously Jqueryui Dialog Widgets


Viewed 39 times


I am trying to implement the Jquery-UI Dialog Widget so that the entire screen (and more) is completely populated by Dialogs of different sizes (width) and in different positions (position).

But I’m facing two problems:

1) I cannot set both options in Jquery UI. Either accept one or accept the other. The code I am using is this:

  $( function() {
    $( "#lub" ).dialog({
      position: { my: "center top", at: "left top+150", of: window }
      width: 500        
} );

Even if I give a "macaroni" solution to the problem still has the other problem:

2) I cannot bring up the Dialog Widget outside the page view area. There is no number that I inform that makes the window appear where I want. The code of the other window looks like this:

  $( function() {
    $( "#rank" ).dialog({
        position: { my: "left top", at: "left top+1530", of: window }

  } );

1 answer


I have already solved part of the problem. I have learned how to use two options. Just use the comma as the example below:

  $( function() {
    $( "#rank" ).dialog({
        width: 500,
        autoOpen: true,
        show: {
            effect: "blind",
            duration: 1000
        position: { my: "left top", at: "left top+1530", of: window }

  } );

Now just need to figure out how to make the "position" work anywhere on the page.

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