Read . js file and write to page using javascript


Viewed 2,684 times


I have an Excel spreadsheet that I want to export some data to upload to an HTML page. Searching the net found that this is only possible if I have this data in a file . JS (type Data.js).

So far so good. But how to read the data in the file . js and write it in my HTML page, without using PHP, preferably Javascript? And there’s something else, without having to click anything, you have to write automatically when loading the page.

2 answers


Yes it is possible to read an Excel using Javascript, as long as you use the Javascript API File or the . xls(x) is on the same server as your page, so you would use Ajax to pick as string.

After reading with File or Ajax you can use this lib:

An example of use:, example of use:

Reading a file that is on the same server (host, port and protocol) with Ajax:

var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url, true);
req.responseType = "arraybuffer";

req.onload = function(e) {
  var data = new Uint8Array(req.response);
  var workbook =, {type:"array"}); //Faz o "parse"

With File API:

//A variavel file se refere ao elemento <input type="file">

var rABS = typeof FileReader !== 'undefined' && FileReader.prototype && FileReader.prototype.readAsBinaryString;

var reader = new FileReader();
var name =; //Nome do arquivo vindo do input

reader.onload = function(e) {
    var data =;
    var wb, arr;
    var readtype = {type: rABS ? 'binary' : 'base64' };
    if(!rABS) {
        arr = fixdata(data);
        data = btoa(arr);
    function doit() {
        try {

            wb =, readtype); //Faz a leitura/parse

        } catch(e) { console.log(e); }

    if( > 1e6) opts.errors.large(, function(e) { if(e) doit(); });
    else { doit(); }

if(rABS) reader.readAsBinaryString(file);
else reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file);


You can save your data to a file .js in JSON format, read it and display as you wish in the event window.onload. Follow a short example:

var dados = {
    nome: 'teste',
    valor: 'batata'
    nome: 'teste 2',
    valor: 'batata'

window.onload = function () {
  for (var key in dados) {

  • Artur, thank you for the answer. However, I still have doubts: Is the first part of the code "Dados.js"? The second part I put in the HTML <Body> and it already reads the data?

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