What is Crow’s Foot about the database?


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In the database class the teacher mentioned a term called Crow’s Foot, and this term left me confused.

I’d like to know what Crow’s Foot is about Database?

1 answer


Crow’s Foot (Crow’s Foot): This is the most widely used notation among data architects. Its implementation is made through rectangles representing entities, lines representing the relationships and traits representing the cardinality, where the cardinality "many" is represented by a "trident" appearing as a "chicken foot", ex:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Not much to add from devmedia description.

OBS: Jefferson Quesado raised the question that the term used by devmedia is different from the term asked here; it is wrong on the site (link I added) but the explanation is ok.

  • 2

    So the AP committed a typoh?

  • @Jeffersonquesado, I didn’t understand the "typoh"

  • I went to see here, the correct is typo, comes from typographical error in English https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typographical_error?wprov=sfti1; then, "typo" = "clerical error"

  • 1

    I didn’t realize it, but I don’t think it was the AP’s mistake, it was the devmedia’s.O

  • 2

    according to the wiki, it was devmedia error itself: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entity-relationship_diagram?wprov=sfti1

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