Bootstrap-Table Jquery how to individually edit a column in the table load event?
I have tried unsuccessfully using all.bs.table and data-load-Success events..
for(i=0;i < data.length; i++) {
total_media = parseFloat(total_media) + parseFloat(data[i].lucro);
data[i].lucro = ' test ' + String(data[i].lucro);
jQuery("#tabela").bootstrapTable('updateRow', {index: i, row: data[i] });
I tried that way too :
total_media = total_media + parseFloat(data[i].lucro);
data[i].lucro = 'test ' + String(data[i].lucro);
jQuery("#tabela").bootstrapTable('updateRow', {index: i, row: data[i] });
and so :
var total_media = data.reduce(function(a, b){
lucro = b.lucro;
b.lucro = ' test ' + String(b.lucro);
jQuery("#tabela").bootstrapTable('updateRow', {index: a, row: b });
return a + parseFloat(lucro);
}, 0);
Bootstrap-Table Jquery how to individually edit a column in the table load event?
I have tried unsuccessfully using all.bs.table and data-load-Success events.. Can you help me?
You who place edits on the content of a specific column ?
– RickPariz
yes, in the table refresh event.. from the data received from the event.
– Rafael Oliveira
All right, I’ll answer
– RickPariz